26 Desember 2015

opini musri nauli : Wajah Hukum Jambi 2015 - Catatan Hukum 2015

Dalam hitungan hari, tahun 2015 akan berganti tahun 2016. Berbagai peristiwa yang terjadi di tahun 2015 merupakan pelajaran penting yang dapat ditarik menjadi pengalaman untuk menatap tahun 2016. Pengalaman buruk maupun pengalaman baik di tahun 2015 merupakan cerminan dari proses hokum yang terjadi di tengah masyarakat.

Tahun 2015 dimulai dari “energy” bangsa untuk menghadapi proses hokum tarik menarik antara KPK vs Kepolisian RI. Proses ini dimulai ketika penetapan tersangka Komjen Budi Gunawan (Komjen BG) oleh KPK di saat bersamaan Presiden menetapkan Komjen BG sebagai calon Kapolri. Proses tarik menarik ini kemudian membuat energy bangsa “tercurahkan”. Baik proses hokum di praperadilan hingga “gagalnya” komjen BG sebagai Kapolri maupun kemudian ditetapkan tersangka Abraham Samad dan Bambang Widjajanto membuat seluruh konsentrasi public tercurahkan hingga akhir tahun.

Selain itu juga Presiden Jokowi menjadi sorotan dunia ketika menolak grasi terhadap pelaku Bandar narkoba. Eksekusi hukuman mati tetap dilaksanakan di tengah berbagai hujatan Negara-negara tetangga seperti Australia.

23 Desember 2015


Kedatangan Partai Keadilan Sejahtera (PKS) ke istana memantik diskusi panjang. Dengan menggunakan istilah “silahturahmi”, PKS menemui Jokowi dan menyatakan mendukung program Pemerintah yang berpihak kepada rakyat. Istilah yang digunakan adalah “oposisi loyal”.

Sebagai Negara yang rajin memproduksi istilah, PKS menggunakan istilah “oposisi loyal” mengikuti istilah yang digunakan Partai Golkar “oposisi kritis”. Istilah “oposisi loyal” atau “oposisi Kritis” merupakan istilah yang bermakna ganda dalam terminology ilmu politik dari kata “oposisi”.

18 Desember 2015


Ketika kasus pencatutan nama Jokowi dalam pertemuan Setya Novanto (SN) dengan Presdir PT. Freeport  mulai merebak ke public, konsentrasi nasional kemudian menghendaki Setya Novanto diungkap secara terbuka. Menteri ESDM, Sudirman Said (SS) merupakan punggawa pemerintahan langsung membuat laporan resmi ke Mahkamah Kehormatan Dewan (MKD) DPR-RI.

07 Desember 2015

Regenwald in Flammen - Kampf gegen die Palmöl-Mafia

Musri Nauli kämpft in Indonesien für den Regenwald – und gegen die mächtigen Palmöl-Produzenten. 


05 Desember 2015

opini musri nauli : Oil plantations threaten the rainforest | DW Reporter

Slash and burn practices are destroying Indonesia's rainforests, with disastrous consequences for the environment. Activist Musri Nauli is taking on the powerful palm oil producers he claims are deliberately starting forest fires.


01 Desember 2015

Indonesia faces tough questions on fires, dirty energy at COP21

 Scorched earth: Young oil palms have been planted on recently burned land in Nyaru Menteng, Palangkaraya, Central Kalimantan. Country delegations attending the COP21 UN climate conference in Paris, France, are paying close attention to land and forest fires, triggered by land clearing using the slash-and-burn method, recently affecting several areas across Indonesia. (Courtesy of theNational Disaster Mitigation Agency)

Scorched earth: Young oil palms have been planted on recently burned land in Nyaru Menteng, Palangkaraya, Central Kalimantan. Country delegations attending the COP21 UN climate conference in Paris, France, are paying close attention to land and forest fires, triggered by land clearing using the slash-and-burn method, recently affecting several areas across Indonesia. (Courtesy of theNational Disaster Mitigation Agency)

Local wisdoms of indigenous people could help Indonesia tackle the damaging impacts of climate change, including those of land and forest fires, an activist has said.

The executive director of the Jambi office of the Indonesian Forum for the Environment (Walhi), Musri Nauli, said all countries should be aware that local wisdom -- the power of the people -- could resolve the problems caused by climate change and global warming.

Nauli said the world should be aware that all this time customary people had been able to adapt to climate change by applying local wisdom.

'€œThe canal-partition system, the arrangement of commodities that are allowed to be cultivated on peatland and several prohibitions have long existed in society, in which the people use them to protect peatland,'€ said the activist as quoted by kompas.com on Tuesday.

Nauli said that in responding to recent peat fires in several areas in Indonesia, the government should focus on law enforcement.

'€œThe government must learn from the failed implementation of Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD)-plus programs in Indonesia,'€ said Nauli.
Land and forest fire is one of two tough issues the Indonesian delegation is facing at COP21 held in Paris, France, starting from Monday. The other is the issue of the plan to build coal-fired power plants.

With those two crucial problems, country delegations attending the Paris climate conference are in doubt as to whether Indonesia can meet its climate commitments, namely to independently reduce its carbon emissions by 26 percent by 2030, or by as much as 41 percent with international support.
Nauli called the government'€™s plan to build coal-fired power plants a setback.

'€œIt'€™s an outdated idea. China and the US have been striving to reduce their coal-fired power plants by up to 40 percent. Why do we plan to increase our coal-fired power plants?'€ said the environmentalist.
President Joko '€œJokowi'€ Widodo conveyed a statement on Indonesia'€™s stance in the global fight against climate change at the conference on Monday. Indonesia'€™s commitments in the global climate agenda are included in the Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDC), or national commitments of all countries to fight climate change.

The COP21 UN climate conference aims to produce a globally binding agreement on the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. The agreement will be valid for all 195 UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) members, both developing and developed countries. The agreement will take effect in 2020 after ratification by the legislative bodies of the majority of the UNFCCC member countries. (ebf)

Jakarta Post, 1 Desember 2015

30 November 2015

opini musri nauli : MEMBACA ARAH COP 21

Dunia kemudian terbelah memandang COP 21 di Paris. Sebagian optimis dan berharap gagasan besar dari Negara-negara utama di Dunia memperhatikan perubahan iklim (Climate change) yang semakin panas. Sebagian justru memandang sinis dengan pelaksanaan COP 21 di Paris melihat perilaku berbagai Negara utama belum juga menunjukkan tanda-tanda berubah didalam memandang lingkungan.

28 November 2015


Konsentrasi dunia dicurahkan ke Paris dalam Pertemuan COP Global Perubahan Iklim (Union Nation Framework Convention on Climate change/UNFCCC). Pertemuan dianggap penting setelah berbagai inisiatif untuk menghadang perubahan iklim belum banyak memberikan perbaikan.

Persoalan ketahanan pangan, Penggunaan batubara, kebakaran di berbagai dunia, masih kurangnya penggunaan energy alternative (renewable energy) membuat dunia harus berfikir ulang untuk melihat bumi yang semakin panas.

15 November 2015


Musim hujan telah tiba beberapa hari sebelum kedatangan Jokowi. Musim hujan kemudian menimbulkan udara yang cerah di langit Jambi.

Namum melupakan kebakaran dan asap tahun 2015 adalah kesalahan yang tidak pantas kita ulangi. Catatan hokum menggambarkan bagaimana pola dan upaya sistematis untuk menutupi kejahatan kebakaran dan melepaskan tanggungjawab korporasi berhasil saya tuliskan.

09 November 2015


Surat Edaran Kepala Polri Nomor SE/06/X/2015 tertanggal 8 Oktober 2015 tentang Penanganan Ujaran Kebencian atau ‘hate speech’ (Surat Edaran) menimbulkan polemic. Sebagian berpendapat, Surat Edaran hanyalah menegaskan pelaksanaan “hate speech” yang sudah diatur didalam berbagai peraturan (KUHP dan UU ITE).