(Studi Kasus Putusan
MK terhadap Notaris)
Mahkamah Konstitusi
Republik Indonesia membatalkan Pasal 66 UU No 30 Tahun 2004, Undang-Undang
Notaris. Mahkamah Konstitusi Republik Indonesia menyatakan Pasal 66 UU Notaris
bertentangan dengan prinsip kesetaraan di depan hukum. Pertimbangan Mahkamah
Konstitusi Republik Indonesia menarik untuk ditelaah bagaimana konfigurasi hak
untuk menolak mengikuti keputusan Mahkamah Konstitusi Republik Indonesia.
Katakunci: notaris,
konstitusi, putusan MK Abstract
The Constitutional
Court of the Republic of Indonesian cancel article 66 Law No. 30 of 2004, Act
of Notary. The Constitutional Court of the Republic of Indonesian declare
article 66 act of Notary contrary to the principle equality before the law.
Consideration The Constitutional Court of the Republic of Indonesian
interesting to view to how configuration right to refuse following the decision
the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Indonesian.
Keyword: notaris,
constitution, MK decision